

Update from Toronto Raptors Vice-Chairman and President Masai Ujiri

Published December 10, 2021, 9:00 AMOfficial release

Ujiri will be self-isolating for 10 days after testing positive.

Toronto Raptors Vice-Chairman and President Masai Ujiri said:

“On Sunday, Giants of Africa held our first in-person event since 2019. It was organized in compliance with all current public health guidance – everyone who attended had to show proof of vaccination, and to wear masks when not eating or drinking. Unfortunately, after the gala, we learned of positive COVID-19 tests among our guests – and even though I am fully vaccinated and have received a booster shot, I also subsequently tested positive. I am now at home, observing the safety protocols by self-isolating for 10 days, monitoring for symptoms and undergoing testing, and I encourage everyone who attended to please do the same. We don’t want to live in fear of this virus, but COVID is a persistent enemy.

Together, we’ll defeat it.”